Halifax Citadel

5425 Sackville St,Halifax, NS B3J 3Y3,Canada

The Halifax Citadel is a 19th Century military fort in the midst of a beautiful, lively city overlooking an amazing harbor. This old fort still maintains the steep masonry walls and stone lined underground rooms.

Currently, the complex has been restored and identified as a national historic site.

There are several interesting things to see at this the Halifax Citadel that make the visit enjoyable, such as:

1. A 45 minute walking tour providing an abundance of historic information about the fort and its role as a key naval station during the height of the British Empire’s reign.

2. The most obvious landmarks – the Town Clock that is the entrance to the fort. Look for the stairs just beneath this old clock because they continue above to the fort’s entrance.

3. The signal flags also fly high above the Citadel over the corner ramparts.

The Halifax Citadel is a fascinating fort taking the visitor back in history when the British Empire was a major force in the world, and this fort was a key naval station.

Mapview of Halifax Citadel

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