Butchart Gardens

800 Benvenuto Ave,Central Saanich,BC V8M 1J8, Canada
Butchart Gardens is considered as one of the beautiful gardens situated at Brentwood Bay, near the city of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. Millions of people visit this garden every year.
Butchart Gardens was owned by Robert Pim and Jennie Butchart, husband and wife settled in the west coast. Their primary objective was to take advantage of the rich limestone deposits that they needed for their cement production, since Butchart’s main business was manufacturing of Portland cement, which they opened in Owen Sound, Ontario in 1888.
As soon as the quarry was finally exhausted on 1909, Jennie Burchart turned the quarry into a Sunken Garden. When the garden was completed on 1921, they opened it to the general public for viewing.
Up to this day, the Garden still remains with the family and is managed by the great-granddaughter of Burchart.