Nahanni National Park

10002 100th street,Fort Simpson,NT X0E 0N0, Canada
Nahanni National Park is located in the Northwest Territories region of Canada near Fort Simpson. You can visit the park's headquarters there and many people take a small plane to one of the headwaters found within the park. Overland access into the park is very challenging and must be done through Tungsten in the Yukon.
In order to have an overnight visit in the park you must get a permit from the park office. Permits are by reservation only; if you plan to travel in July or August you should book well in advance. You must return to the park office to turn in your permit when you have safely completed your stay. Permits are $24.50 daily or $147.20 annually.
A visit to this national park is a complete wilderness experience. Most people choose to camp and raft, canoe, or kayak along the South Nahanni River. It is a whitewater river that rushes through four canyons before it reaches Virginia Falls.
The park also has sulfur hot springs, mountains from the continental divide, alpine tundra, and coniferous forests. It also houses many forms of indigenous mammals, birds, and fish. It was made a national park in 1976 and achieved UNESCO World Heritage status in 1978.
Those who cannot handle the the extreme wilderness conditions, there is an option to charter a plane a day trip from Fort Simpson to Virginia Falls, and experience the beauty of Nahanni National Park.