Victoria Park
29 Park Road, Truro, NS B2N 4E5, Canada
Victoria Park is one of Truro's greatest assets - a natural woodland park of roughly 1,000 acres in the centre of town.
The beautiful and dynamic urban park boasts incredible natural features, including a dramatic steep-sided gorge, a winding river, cascading waterfalls, and a stately old-growth Eastern Hemlock forest. The park offers visitors endless recreational, cultural and leisure opportunities. These include hiking, photography, birdwatching, picnics, family gatherings, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, swimming, baseball, cultural events, live music, tennis, cycling and more.
There are 2 sets of falls in Victoria park. The first set of falls is named after the distinguished Joseph Howe who admired them during a visit in 1830. The next are the Waddell Falls, named after Susan Waddell Stevens, who donated the first land in 1888 containing the falls and gorge.
Victoria Park has an extensive trail system for visitors to use and enjoy.
Sport and Recreation: Just inside the entrance to the park off Brunswick Street are tennis courts, an outdoor swimming pool, a little league ballfield, the Kinsmen Club Playground with water spray park, a bandshell, picnic tables, and a picnic pavilion. The Lower Park is the focal point for many town gatherings and festivals.
A cool fresh water spring, known as the Brandy Spring, was also found in the Lower Park. Beyond this area is the natural parkland with its rustic walking paths along the top ridges of the gorge, all leading to the falls.
Along the lower path on either side, wooden steps lead from the bottom to the top of the steep cliffs. Don't miss Jacob's Ladder, a 175-step popular destination for park visitors.
Victoria Park offers ample parking for all. Parking is available in the main parking lot off Park Road and near the swimming pool off Adam Street. There is also limited parking at the Wood Street entrance to the park.
The picnic pavilion is located in the Lower Park and is well used for a number of different activities, ranging from family or school reunions, birthday parties, food preparation for special events or as a registration area for events taking place in the park.
The J. Arch Fraser Bandshell is used for a variety of activities. Reservations are required. Reservations are done on a first come, first served basis.
Months of Operation
April 1 - November 30