Attractions in Dawson City

Here's a partial listing of the Top Attractions in Dawson City

Tombstone Territorial Park

The enchanting Tombstone Territorial Park is 2,200 squared kilometers of pristine wilderness. With picturesque rugged peaks, permafrost landforms, and a wide array of unique flora and fauna. The park is a legacy of the Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in land claim agreement and lies within their traditional territory. Come for a day hike or a multi-day backcountry adventure!

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Dawson City Museum

Stroll over to Dawson City’s beautifully restored former Territorial Administrative Building. Once there, prepare yourself for riveting stories of adventure, survival, mystery and industry. Explore the galleries and exhibits, and follow the growth of the region from its original Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in settlement to the eclectic town that exists today.

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