Peak 2 Peak Gondola

Alder Creek, Whistler, BC V0N 1B2, Canada
The record-breaking Peak 2 Peak Gondola is a tri-cable gondola lift that links Blackcomb and Whistler Mountains together. It is the longest unsupported lift span in the world (3.024 kilometres. You will get a stunning 360-degree views of Whistler Village, mountain peaks, lakes, glaciers and forests.
Peak 2 Peak Gondola is having the world records for the longest free span between ropeway towers—3.03 kilometres and highest point above the ground—436 metres.
The Peak 2 Peak Gondola terminal buildings are the two largest lift terminals in the world. There are four intermediate towers, two on Whistler Mountain and two on Blackcomb Mountain that support the cables, which range in height from 30 to 65 metres. The gondola cabins hold 28 people each, with 22 seated and 6 standing.
The lift is powered by an electric motor on Whistler Mountain; however an auxiliary diesel engine can take over in the case of primary engine failure or if there is a power outage.
Facts about the Peak 2 Peak Gondola: